
GBD Authorship Information

Submitting a Comment and Contribution Form

Meeting ICMJE Authorship Criteria

How to co-author GBD publications flowchart

Updates to GBD publication process effective 1 July 2022

To qualify for authorship, potential authors must meet the following criteria:

  1. Contributing substantially to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work.
  2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
  3. Giving final approval of the version of the manuscript to be submitted.
  4. Agreeing to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Should any journal have specific criteria for authorship beyond those listed above, we will additionally adhere to those criteria.



Collaborator-led papers - GBD 2021

Below is information that addresses some commonly asked questions about registered collaborator-led papers.

Do I have an active paper registration?  

If you submitted a paper proposal, you should have received a formal response by email. You may additionally review all approved topic registrations here. Further questions can be directed to [email protected].  

I formally registered a paper topic for GBD 2020; is this registration still valid?  

Yes, all paper topics previously registered as GBD 2020 papers were automatically carried forward to GBD 2021. If your paper proposal was previously approved as a GBD 2020 paper, you do not need to re-register the topic. This is because we decided to forgo a GBD 2020 cycle and proceed directly to GBD 2021.  

I formally registered a paper topic for GBD 2019 and never wrote it; can I still write that paper? 

No, unwritten GBD 2019 paper registrations have now expired unless you requested and received an extension. You may request to update and re-register a topic using GBD 2019 results to GBD 2021 using this form. This step is essential so that we avoid duplication of effort across Collaborators. Formally requesting a GBD 2019 topic registration to be updated to GBD 2021 will allow us to confirm that other writing teams are not engaged in a too-similar project on the same results.  

What is the status of proposals for GBD 2019 papers? 

Past proposals for GBD 2019 papers that have not yet been completed or circulated for Collaborator review and comments have not been automatically converted to GBD 2021 topic registrations.  If a writing team elects to update their topic registration to encompass the new results from the GBD 2021 release, the topic will need to be re-registered.  

What is the process for registering new topics? 

New topic registration requests will be evaluated against existing registrations in the order they are received. Review of all proposals received will occur upon release of GBD 2021 estimates in Collaborator tools. Please recall that there is a limit on the number of topic registrations (4 maximum) you may propose as a lead author. Topic registrations expire 6 months after the collaborator release of GBD 2021 if no draft has been received for circulation. 

I want to update the title or scope of my approved paper registration.  

Please email [email protected] if you plan to update the title or scope of your paper topic as this will help to minimize potential duplication across registered papers. 


GBD 2021 Collaborator-led paper process

  • The review of papers by IHME Faculty, Research Teams, and GBD Collaborators will happen simultaneously, to expedite the process.
  • Lead authors will be in charge of submitting their own papers to the journal. Collaborators should notify IHME when re-submission is complete.
  • Each lead author may reserve up to four (4) topics in each GBD cycle. Exceptions to this reservation limit may be requested by emailing IHME’s Scientific Publications Team: [email protected].
  • GBD Collaborators will be expected to review proofs on their own. IHME may be able to assist with proofing the authors and affiliations sections.
  • When the paper is ready for submission to the journal, the lead author may submit the paper to IHME for proofreading by an editor. IHME’s ability to provide editing resources is limited, and we may not be possible to fulfill all requests.
  • The lead author is responsible for updating the paper in response to Collaborator and/or journal reviewer comments.
  • Paper should be written using publicly available sources and data, via GBD Compare, GBD Results Tool, GHDx, etc. Please note that IHME’s availability to support data extraction and preparation of customized tables and figures for GBD Collaborator-led papers is limited.

For a full overview the GBD 2021 paper process, please refer to this document.  

Should you have any questions about this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Scientific Publications Team, [email protected].  

Thank you for your ongoing work and contributions to the GBD Study, as well as your critical feedback and evaluation of GBD estimates and data sources on an annual cycle. We look forward to receiving your paper proposals for the GBD 2021 cycle.


Review all Collaborator-led GBD 2021 paper proposals and general Collaborator-led paper processes