
GBD 2019 | Collaborating in Indonesia

Published October 26, 2020

Dr. Nafsiah Mboi, Minister of Health of Indonesia 2012-2014 and IHME Board Member, is a pediatrician and public health expert. She says that, "open access to the GBD data, and tools for analysis on the IHME website, has increased the number of people making use of data-based analysis and policy development for public health. The GBD is a powerful tool for policymakers, health economists, researchers, and many others.

Explore GBD 2019.

Transcription: Hi, I'm Nafsiah Mboi. On behalf of IHME's collaborators and friends in Indonesia, I extend our appreciation and congratulations on the Global Burden of Disease 2019. Indonesians have been using GBD Data since 1996. In early years, primarily for publication and education. Since 2014, use of GBD data has become standard practice in government, as part of the health sector review, which provides input for formulation of national policy and strategy in Indonesia's five-year development plan. Open access to the GBD data, and tools for analysis on the IHME website, has increased the number of people making use of data-based analysis and policy development for public health. It has also stimulated research and publication on health challenges and risks needing attention. In 2018, Indonesia's first sub-national burden of disease study created province-specific portraits of the burden of disease and health risks. This provided clarity for action on local health priorities and impetus to reduce inequities among provinces.


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