
IHME board

The board of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation advises the Institute Director and oversees IHME’s activities to ensure our contribution to improving the health of populations. The board is composed of leading figures in the field of public health. It meets once a year to review the progress of the Institute’s research direction.

Jane Halton

Board Chair; CEPI Chair; Professor of Health Policy and Health Security at the Australian National University

Julie Nordstrom

Member of Advisory Board of UW Medicine; Member of Board of Trustees for Save the Children, US

Diego Piacentini

Former Commissioner for Digital Transformation, Italian Government; Former Senior Vice President of International Consumer Business, Amazon

IHME board members at the June 2019 board meeting

Founding board members

We are grateful to our founding board members whose contributions made our work possible.

Gro Harlem Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway

Lincoln C. Chen, former President, China Medical Board, USA

Harvey Fineberg, President, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, USA

Julio Frenk, Board Chair; President, University of Miami, USA

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization

Jane Halton, CEPI Chair; Professor of Health Policy and Health Security at the Australian National University

K. Srinath Reddy, former President, Public Health Foundation of India

David Roux, Chairman, BayPine Capital, USA

Tomris Turmen, President, International Children’s Center, Ankara, Turkey