
GBD 2019 | Collaborating in Italy

Published October 19, 2020

Dr. Cristiana Abbafati is a health economist at the University of Sapienza in Rome and a collaborator with the Global Burden of Disease Study. She utilizes GBD resources to better understand the relationship between Type II Diabetes, healthcare costs, and developmental levels in EU countries in order to recommend future health policies.The GBD is a powerful tool for health economists, policymakers, epidemiologists, and others.

Explore GBD 2019: www.healthdata.org/gbd

Transcription:I'm a health economist at the University of Sapienza of Rome and a collaborator with the GBD Study and the GBD health financing group. It is part of my trade to look at supply and demand, so I consider the GBD precious. It is the best resource available to quantify health needs. In general, I cross GBD and economic data to evaluate health planning and the performance and sustainability of health systems, and to investigate the relation of health and economic growth as well as health inequalities. I am currently studying the morbidity of Type II Diabetes in relation to healthcare costs and developmental levels in EU countries. For this purpose, I utilize important GBD resources such as its social demographic index and its estimates for health expenditure and YLDs (years lived with disability). My goal is to obtain indications for future health policies.


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