
HIV Worldwide 1990-2013 Visualization

Updated October 20, 2015

Created for The Journal of the American Medical Association, this interactive data visualization tool shows estimated trends in HIV/AIDS death, incidence, and prevalence worldwide and by country for the years 1990 to 2013. Estimated results were derived using a modified version of the UNAIDS Spectrum model based on a review of mortality on and off antiretroviral therapy. In concentrated epidemics we calibrated Spectrum to fit vital registration data corrected for misclassification of HIV deaths. In generalized epidemics we minimized a loss function to select epidemic curves most consistent with prevalence and demographic data. We incorporated a combination of data and reports from surveys, censuses, vital registration, and sample registration. We estimated 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs) for all values.

Note: the data in this tool was last updated in 2015.

Open data visual


Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). HIV Worldwide 1990-2013. Seattle, WA: IHME, University of Washington, 2015. Available from http://vizhub.healthdata.org/hiv/. (Accessed [INSERT DATE])

Browser notes

  • Use the latest version of Chrome, Safari, Edge, or Firefox.
  • Use Ctrl+0 to reset the browser zoom. Sometimes having the browser zoomed in or out interferes with the layout or a few mouse-dependent properties.
  • If the visualization isn't loading or looks distorted, try clearing your cache. See http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser's-Cache for pointers.
