
Population Forecasting

Updated July 14, 2020

Use this dynamic tool to explore patterns in population trends from 2017 to 2100. The interactive tool reveals changes in population structures and fertility rate, based on progress toward SDG pace of female educational attainment and access to contraception. Results can be further specified by country or region, age group, and sex.

Open data visual


Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). Population Forecasting. Seattle, WA: IHME, University of Washington, 2020. Available from https://vizhub.healthdata.org/population-forecast/. (Accessed [INSERT DATE])

Browser notes

  • Use the latest version of Chrome, Safari, Edge, or Firefox.
  • Use Ctrl+0 to reset the browser zoom. Sometimes having the browser zoomed in or out interferes with the layout or a few mouse-dependent properties.
  • If the visualization isn't loading or looks distorted, try clearing your cache. See http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser's-Cachefor pointers.


Scientific Publication

Global, regional, and national burden of HIV/AIDS, 1990–2021, and forecasts to 2050, for 204 countries and territories