Global Burden of Disease Study

Collaborators and the GBD study

As a Collaborator, you will have opportunities to participate in the GBD study in diverse ways. You can suggest new data sources, critique results, give feedback on covariates and modeling approaches, contribute to publications, participate as co-authors, and work with IHME's Global Impact Group (GIG) to outreach about the findings and translate them into policy recommendations.

The GBD Collaborator Network produces regular updates to the GBD estimates, so there is a cycle of gathering and analyzing data, modeling diseases, finalizing results, and publishing our findings. Depending on when you join the Network, some of these steps may be complete, but you will have an opportunity to provide input for the next cycle’s estimates.

To learn more about how the Collaborator Network impacts the GBD study, please review the GBD Protocol.

Explore resources to gain a deeper understanding of the GBD and IHME's work.

As a Collaborator, you have access to both publicly-available GBD results as well as confidential, preview versions of various GBD tools.

Help improve the evidence base for the GBD estimates for your country or condition of interest.

Each year, the Global Burden of Disease Study hosts a series of annual review meetings in order to foster scientific dialogue regarding key aspects of the study methods.

Opportunities for Collaboration

  • Review sessions and events: These meetings are part of the vetting process for GBD results and provide an overview of methods and preliminary estimates for a subset of causes and risks. You will have the opportunity to participate in live webcasts of these meetings or to view the recordings and submit your comments online.
  • Preliminary estimates sharing: As soon as preliminary model estimates are available for all causes, you will have the opportunity to review them in detail and provide feedback. It is important to share your comments at this stage so that issues can be resolved before the capstone papers are drafted.
  • Capstone papers: You will have the opportunity to review and comment on the first drafts of capstone papers. At this stage, comments should focus on the analysis, narrative, figures, and other aspects of the publication itself. Substantive changes to the estimates are usually not possible at this stage. Each paper will be revised taking into account feedback from all GBD Collaborators. Once the final paper is submitted to the journal, you will receive an invitation to join formally as a co-author according to relevant authorship criteria.
  • Data incorporation deadlines: Data shared before these dates will be reviewed for incorporation in the upcoming round of GBD. All data shared after these dates will be included in later rounds.