
Financing Global Health 2019: Tracking Health Spending in a Time of Crisis

Published August 25, 2020

This edition of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation’s annual Financing Global Health report, the 11th in the series, provides up-to-date estimates of domestic spending on health, development assistance for health, spending for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, as well as projections of future health spending. Our health spending tracking and estimates show patterns between income groups and regions over time, highlight variations in how much each country spends on health, and identify where more resources are needed most.


Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). Financing Global Health 2019: Tracking Health Spending in a Time of Crisis. Seattle, WA: IHME, 2020.

Supporting documents

Methods Annex
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Table 1: Total health spending and health spending by source, 2017
(13.02 KB)
Table B1: Total health spending by World Bank income group and GBD super-region, 2017
(12.08 KB)
Table B2: Tuberculosis spending in 135 low- and middle-income countries, 2017
(26.46 KB)
Table B3: Development assistance for health by source of funding, 1990-2019
(13.44 KB)
Table B4: Development assistance for health by channel of assistance, 1990-2019
(15.16 KB)
Table B5: Development assistance for health by recipient country, 1990-2017
(19.94 KB)
Table B6: Development assistance for health by health focus area and program area, 1990-2019
(14.34 KB)


Scientific Publication

Health sector spending and spending on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, and development assistance for health: progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 3