This report presents findings for Mozambique from the 2015 Gavi Full Country Evaluations (FCE) Annual Dissemination Report. The FCE is a prospective study covering the period 2013-2016 with the aim to understand and quantify the barriers to and drivers of immunization program improvement, with emphasis on the contribution of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance in four countries: Bangladesh, Mozambique, Uganda, and Zambia. This third annual dissemination report complements previous reports by providing key findings and recommendations for the 2015 evaluation period in the four FCE countries. The FCE encompasses all phases of Gavi support, from decisions to apply, application and approval, preparation, and implementation in each of the relevant streams of support.
Gavi Full Country Evaluations Team. Gavi Full Country Evaluations: 2015 Dissemination Report. Seattle, WA: IHME, 2015.
Supporting documents
Mozambique brief
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