
United States (US) health

About $4.3 trillion of the $10 trillion spent on health globally is in the US. Despite this huge investment, there are still wide disparities in health and health spending across the country. 

$550 billion was spent in 2016 on diabetes, low back and neck pain, other musculoskeletal disorders, ischemic heart disease, and injuries from falls.
18.5 years for females and 23.7 years for males is the calculated life expectancy disparity across states in 2019.
950,000 deaths per year in the US are due to cardiovascular diseases, but not equally across races and ethnicities.
60.1% of disease combinations had super-additive spending. This means that having more than one chronic condition leads to even more healthcare spending than two people each having a chronic condition.

Interactive data visuals

Interactive Data Visual

US Health Map

Explore health trends in the United States by race and ethnicity for all-cause mortality and life expectancy.

Datasets in our catalog

Visit the Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx) to download our estimates and data sources for the United States.

Health profiles


US County Profiles

These profiles highlight performance of each US county in terms of mortality rates for select causes, life expectancy at birth, and prevalence of select risk factors.

Country profiles

Health research by location

Get an overview of population health and demographic information for every country of the world. We also provide profiles for select subnational locations.




Online EU-US conference on Long COVID

IHME faculty member Theo Vos presents on the research agenda for long COVID as part of the EU-US Conference on Long COVID.
