
Methods for estimating the global burden of cerebrovascular diseases

Published October 18, 2015, in Neuroepidemiology (opens in a new window)


The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study is a longstanding effort to report consistent and comprehensive measures of disease burden for the world. In this paper, we describe the methods used to estimate the global burden of stroke for the GBD 2013 study. Pathologic subtypes of stroke are modeled separately for two mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories: (1) ischemic stroke and (2) hemorrhagic and other non-ischemic strokes. Acute and chronic strokes are estimated separately. The GBD 2013 study has incorporated large amounts of new data on stroke death rates, incidence, and case fatality. Disease modeling methods have been updated to better integrate mortality and incidence data. Future efforts will focus on incorporating data on the regional variation in severity of disability. Stroke remains a new area for disease modeling. A better understanding of stroke incidence, mortality, and severity, and how it varies among countries, can help guide priority setting and improve health policy related to this important condition.

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Roth GA, Johnson CO, Nguyen G, Naghavi M, Feigin VL, Murray CJL, Forouzanfar MH, Vos T. Methods for estimating the global burden of cerebrovascular diseasesNeuroepidemiology. 2015 Oct 18;45:146-151. doi: 10.1159/000441083. 
